Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Milwaukee Museum

Group picture on the steps going in.
Katie & Jon by the dinosaur

Katie and Patrick the Story teller in Pabst Square.
Jon checking out a house in The European Village.
Dumb Dumb you give me Gum Gum.
The girls recongnized this Easter Island Head from the movie
Night at the Museum.
Jon checking out a miniture tribal scene.
We headed over to Milwaukee Museum to see the Titanic Exhibit and ended up doing the entire Museum. The kids loved everything. In the Titanic Exhibit we saw many items recovered from the Ship. We were each given a Boarding Pass, Jonathan was a first class man who survived. Katie was a first class woman who survived, her maid did too. I was a third class Irish immigrant who survived. Heather's family not so lucky, Eric a first class man lost, Lindsey was lost and Logan was lost. The saddest one to look up was Heather's she was a third class woman traveling to America with her 4 children. Her husand had gone to America 2 years earlier and saved enough money to send for his family. The entire family was lost to the Titanic. It was a very special exhibit to see. We also went to the Live Butterfly exhibit that also had a Corpse Flower included. The kids loved the Streets of Old Milwaukee and the European Village, Katie knocked on every door! Heather and I even got to see Samson the Gorilla recreated for the Museum, last time we saw him was at the Milwaukee Zoo years ago. We all had a great time. The Milwaukee Museum is definetly a great place to go.

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