Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Plateau's suck!

That dam scale! For 19 weeks I have been within the same 4 pounds. That number on the scale is magical. It can set my mood for the day or even convince me that my jeans won't fit anymore. That scale can make me feel like a failure even though I have added 3 exercise classes a week and started weight training again 3x a week. Found this little diddy on the web today, totally robbing it from some other ladies weight loss blog, just to give little credit to whomever actually wrote it.

Remember this next time you weigh yourself!
The scale weighs EVERYTHING on it....
fat, organs, bone, water, poop.....EVERYTHING!
The scale DOESN'T measure your will, how many old
habits you broke or new healthier habits you started.
It doesn't know the effort you put in at the gym and
it doesn't care.
The scale doesn't have any idea of how hard you're
trying how many times you overcame and got
"back on" when you felt like giving up all together.
It can't measure your drive or your determination.
Only you can do that.

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